The gang at 2tarts Bakery are family. I absolutely love working with these gals–April and Ashley are bad-ass businesswomen in every sense of the word. They recently had their grand opening for Suite 300; an addition to their already thriving bakery in downtown New Braunfels. Suite 300 is a bridal store/consultation space/office where the talented members of 2tarts meet clients, take care of business, and let the creativity flow. I visited for some staff headshots as well as space and product photography. It’s possible I might have literally been paid in tarts. Maybe.
Sister Tarts: Ashley and April, you’ve come a long way, baby!My dream job has come true: (clockwise from top left) pecan pie, lemon tart, berry tart, key lime pie, strawberry pie, blackberry and almond tart.
Sweet Mabel doing a little advertising for us! Don’t worry folks, it’s oatmeal raisin, ok? Pete and Ashley’s little girl is the cutest ever!
Pete–Ashley’s husband and “other half.” These guys had the coolest wedding ever a few years ago on Thanksgiving Day at Anhalt Dance Hall.