Oh, I have loved horses my whole life. I own the complete set of Walter Farley’s “The Black Stallion” series. I kept all my horse models because I knew ONE DAY I would have a daughter, and she would want to have them. I painted a horse mural in her bedroom when we moved to Texas. I loved “Seabiscuit”, the book. I watched “Secretariat.”
Alex rides English-style at Timber Hall Farm in Marion. We did half of her senior portrait session there with her horse, Puddin’. He is a 13-year-old Thoroughbred, an ex-race horse. He was beautiful.
These signs were posted about every 20 feet. I drove very slowly. I also did not want to murder any chickens which were roaming everywhere.The lovely Alex! Alex will graduate from Canyon High School (go, Coogs!).
One of my favs. Love!
Giving her kisses (or smelling carrots, take your pick).
Oh, what a great way to end the day! Congratulations, Alex on your future! I wish you and Puddin’ all the best. 🙂