Carly and Shane were married on a warm summer day at the beautiful Branded T Ranch in Kendalia. I love this super laid-back couple; they were so excited to get married with all their friends and family watching. Shane is so quiet; he’s got a reputation for being a terrific football coach. He’s a huge Spurs fan and had an awesome groom’s cake to show it. Carly on the other hand grew up in a household full of boys, and she can clearly hold her own. She may normally be a rough and tumble tomboy, but on this day, she was stunning. Shane’s sweet doggie, Batman, played a role in the wedding as well! There were babies running around everywhere, sometimes stealing the show during the ceremony. My favorite moment of the day however, was Carly’s dad. As he placed Carly’s hand into Shane’s, he choked and said, “Take care of my baby girl!” and I boohooed. One of the bridesmaids had to toss me a tissue! It was a perfect, perfect day, full of laughter and happy tears. Congratulations, Carly and Shane! Thanks Amanda Hartfield for assisting me!