Corporate events like this one at the Bob Bullock Museum are so rewarding to photograph. I love meeting people from all over the country–really the world–and see what inspires and drives creativity and innovation. ROAM is a new virtual office experience. As working remotely has settled into the way we work in a post-pandemic world, ROAM is a better answer to Zoom and Google Meet. Not only does it help remote workers collaborate and attend meetings, it also helps redefine and re-establish the boundaries between being in the office, and being off the clock. (My husband is a software engineer who works from home, and I can attest that the boundaries formally in place by being in a physical office have collapsed and seeped into non-office hours; his phone regularly beeping past 9:00pm as we watch a movie.) But with ROAM, if you’re not “in the office,” you’re not in the office.
Leaders who currently use ROAM for their businesses gave glowing reports during a panel discussion on how it has revitalized corporate culture. I found it all fascinating. Guests enjoyed champagne and networking before the panel discussion and demonstration of ROAM’s design with dinner afterwards upstairs in the museum. It was a pleasure meeting Howard Lerman and Jon Brod, the dynamic duo and force behind this new way of looking at work, and how to bring people together.