I have had quite a month. We spent two weeks in Georgia with family for Christmas and New Year’s. We celebrated my dad’s 60th birthday and retirement. On New Year’s Day, my BigMama was hospitalized. Two days later she was moved to hospice. Thursday the 12th, she went to Heaven. So most of this month has been trying to figure out when I might be flying back home for a memorial service. Hard to schedule portrait sessions! Enter Amy Rosenthal: she, her husband Jeremy and their sweet 6-month-old baby Mia were coming from Dallas to San Antonio. Their family was gathering from Pennsylvania, California and Texas, and Amy wanted to hire a photographer for some group portraits. Could I do it?
Turns out I could. Life gets in the way sometimes, and there are moments that cannot be put on hold. My BigMama’s memorial service was scheduled for the 28th. Meanwhile I was calling/texting/Facebooking many different photographers to make sure I had a back up in case I couldn’t be there for Amy’s family session. If I have learned anything in the last two months, it’s that photographs matter. They are part of your history. And I was very concerned that Amy’s family have someone there to photograph a rare family gathering.
Most of the images are standard group shots but here are a few I really liked. This is Evelyn, Jeremy’s grandmother. Mia’s great-grandmother. She is 85. One of the most beautiful women I’ve met. Having just lost my grandmother, yes it really impacted me to meet this dear lady. I hope years and years from now, Mia will appreciate this image of her with her great-grandmother.Amy and Jeremy with Mia.
Mia did so well–she’d had a long day and this was shortly before the next scheduled nap. But she couldn’t resist smiling when her mommy gave her sugar. I love it.