Sometimes the thought of planning a wedding just gets overwhelming. Who do we invite, where do we get married, what date works for all our families? Jared and Lisa decided to skip the noise and run off to Austin for a week day elopement, just the two of them. They’d known each other in college, but paths went different ways until fate brought them back together. On an absolutely FREEZING day in February, I met them at Chapel Dulcinea for their ceremony and a few portraits. It was the nicest, sweetest afternoon (except my hands were numb). They set up her cell phone to video for their parents back home. Her dress was stunning. He wore shoes in honor of his favorite sports team. They planned on riding back into town for dinner somewhere where they could watch the game together. Sometimes marriage is that simple, just hanging out with your best friend over beers and ball games. I wish them a very long and happy life together.