Disclaimer: my kid blew through her college education at The University of Texas in Austin in three years, so for me to say “it went so fast!” comes honestly. She’s always been what I call a “bit of an over-achiever.” Her favorite saying is, “We’re goin’ places, seein’ people, doin’ things!” And that is true. Here are my favorites from her graduation portraits we did. My order is already on its way and I can hardly wait to get them on the walls of our new house. Despite the tragedy we learned of last week (and my heart bleeds for the Weiser family as only a mother’s can), or maybe because of it, the indescribable preciousness of one’s child came back to me as I look at these portraits. She is my one and only, my Good Best Girl. I confess my parenting was pretty laissez-faire even if people don’t believe me. You do your best, but you can’t possibly pay attention to everything, and you lay down rules but then you gradually mete out independence and more responsibility. At some point, you become less of a parent, and more of a peer. A friend. A confidante. A counselor. My mother is my very best friend and the wisest person I know.
So here’s looking at you, kid! The phrase, “I’m proud of you,” doesn’t begin to sum up how I will feel when you walk across that stage next month, or when you nail that first “real” job, or even when you one day walk down the aisle in white. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, ok? I’m a mess as it is already. I am proud, Hannah. Damn proud. Love, Mom.