
South Congress Bat Mitzvah Portrait Session | Austin Bat Mitzvah

I met Emma and her mom down on South Congress on a beautiful, sunny Saturday afternoon for her bat mitzvah portraits back in February. I learned that Emma loves two things: tennis, and Aviator Nation, ha ha. She wanted colorful, urban backgrounds for some fun portraits and SoCo is a great place for that! There are so many fun murals there. It was most fun to pop some dramatic lighting on her in Aviator Nation’s lounge area. Why do a portrait session so far in advance of your b’nai mitzvah? Most families like to have images of their child on display at their party, and it’s also a terrific way to show off his or her personality. Emma’s bat mitzvah was in late April so her mom had plenty of time to print whatever she wanted for Emma’s party. Need help planning photography for your child’s mitzvah? I’m here to help!

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    Rachael Hall is an Austin, Texas event photographer specializing in corporate events, b'nai mitzvahs and social events.



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